Volunteer Program

Join us!

Volunteers make up our member community. Wildtracks has been hosting volunteers since its establishment, with volunteers being at the core of the success of Wildtracks initiatives.

The Wildtracks Volunteer Program has been established to provide people of all ages with the opportunity to gain experience in wildlife rehabilitation and conservation.

Download an application form (33Kb, Microsoft Word format) or you may request a copy of the form by emailing: 



International volunteer contributions (US$750 for the first month, US$650 per month for subsequent months) may be made via Global Giving at Saving Manatees and Monkeys in Belize

There is no fee for Belize volunteers (nationals or residents)

We have reduced rates under our capacity building programme for hosting people from other rehab organizations in the region - contact us if you would like more information and to see if you qualify.

excerpts From the wildtracks volunteer memories book….